How to Use MacaSure & Recipes

MacaSure is available in vegetarian capsules and in a pure powder form. Taking capsules are self-explanatory; just follow the directions on the label and you’re good to go. Keep in mind that though capsules are a convenient and popular method of delivery, they are also significantly more expensive on a per gram basis because you are paying for the additional cost of encapsulation and packaging.

The most economical method of delivery is MacaSure powder. Our powder is Gelatinized so it mixes in more easily and tastes better than regular Maca powder. MacaSure powder is very versatile; it can be mixed with water or any hot or cold beverage or food. The following is one of our favourite smoothie recipes – it tastes great and can be a complete meal in itself in just minutes:

The Macagizer Smoothie

  • 1 ripe banana
  • 1/2 cup ice cubes
  • 1/2 cup soy milk or water
  • 1/4 cup freshly ground flax seeds
  • 1 heaping tablespoon Ovaltine
  • 1 heaping tablespoon MacaSure powder
  • 2 heaping tablespoons of your favourite protein powder or Vega Whole Food Smoothie Infusion
  • 1 teaspoon colostrum powder

Start by blending the ice cubes, banana and water or soy milk until smooth and with the blender still on gradually add the remaining ingredients. The protein and colostrum should be added last and only be blended just long enough to mix them in. This recipe makes enough for two regular servings or one giant one! Take this in lieu of breakfast for a week and you’ll know what it means to feel Macagized

MacaSure powder has a pleasant, mildly malty, butterscotch-like flavor that works well when added to many foods such as cereal (hot or cold as MacaSure is not adversely affected by heat), salads, salad dressing, soup or yogurt. MacaSure powder can also be added as a dry ingredient to baked goods such as muffins, pancakes, cookies etc.

MacaSure can be taken before, with or after meals; it doesn’t really matter. As a general rule of thumb, take 1,500mg–10,000mg daily, best split into 2-3 servings. MacaSure is a natural whole food so realistically, taking less than 1,500 mg. daily may not be very effective.

If you find you aren’t getting the results you want, try increasing your dosage. With MacaSure, more is often better and it is proven to be safe at any dosage level.