Nutritional & Toxicity Studies

Investigation of the tuber constituents of Maca (Lepidium meyenii Walp).
Piacente S, Carbone V, Plaza A, Zampelli A, Pizza C.Dipartimento di Scienze Farmaceutiche, Universita degli Studi di Salerno, via Ponte Don Melillo, 84084 Fisciano, Italy. Journal of Agric Food Chem 2002 Sep 25; 50 (20): 5621-5

Lepidium meyenii, known in South America as Maca, has received attention worldwide as a powerful energizer that improves physical and mental conditions and increases fertility. Because of these reports, we investigated the secondary metabolites of the tuber of Maca. The methanol extract of the tuber of Maca contained, in addition to free sugars and amino acids, the following: uridine, malic acid and its benzoyl derivative, and the glucosinolates, glucotropaeolin and m-methoxyglucotropaeolin.

Because glucosinolates and their derived products have received increasing attention due to their biological activities, the occurrence of glucosinolate degradation products in the hexane extract was also investigated, and benzylisothiocyanate and its m-methoxy derivative were isolated. The two glucosinolates were semiquantified by HPLC, and benzylisothiocyanate was semiquantified by GC/MS. The methanol extract of Maca tuber also contained (1R,3S)-1-methyltetrahydro-beta-carboline-3-carboxylic acid, a molecule which is reported to exert many activities on the central nervous system.

PMID: 12236688 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Nutritional evaluation of Lepidium meyenii (MACA) in albino mice and their descendants.
Canales M, Aguilar J, Prada A, Marcelo A, Huaman C, Carbajal L. Instituto de Medicina Tropical Alexander von Humboldt, Lima-Peru. Arch Latinoam Nutr 2000 Jun; 50 (2): 126-33

With the purpose of evaluate scientifically the nutritional property of Maca, we carried out a controlled study in two generations of albino Swiss mice (parents and breeding). The parents were aleatorily assigned to one of three nutritional schedules. The food of each group was prepared based on powder from a commercial balanced food (CBF) of which 30% was replaced by raw or cooked Maca according to the corresponding group or pure CBF in the control group.

The groups were this way: 1) Raw Maca Group; 2) Cooked Maca Group; and, 3) Control Group. The results showed that the curves of growth were similar and adequate for the three groups. However, the cooked Maca group showed the best curve. The CBF group had a better growth than raw Maca group. This study demonstrates, in a scientific evaluation, the nutritional capability of Maca.

PMID: 11048583 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Acute Toxicity - Determination of Lethal Doses for Standardized Extracts of Maca.
Capcha R, Marcelo A, Rojas P, Ramos A, Plaza A, Aguilar JL, Draft Paper

In this study the acute toxicity (DL50) of two extracts of Maca provided by Química Suiza were evaluated. The extracts were administered by oral via in Swiss mice by a period of 3 days. The results show a DL50 greater of 68 070 mg/Kg, dose in which not death of mice were registered, nor either changes in the behavior, or some alteration in the internal organs. Therefore this study demonstrates the absence of acute toxicity of Maca extracts in Swiss mice, dosed orally.

Absence of Acute Toxicity and Cytotoxicity in-vitro of Lepídium meyenii.
Marcelo A, Okuhama N, Mairena T, Salazar M, Aguilar JL. Draft Paper

Acute toxicity was determined in the animal model. Increasing amounts of Maca were orally administered to Swiss mice, which were observed for a 3 day-period. From low doses to 800ug/mL of the aqueous extract showed no changes in viability. Both evaluations show very good tolerance of in vitro and ín vívo assays for Maca.