Carmen Mattes: On Our Way to Hormonal Health with Maca

by Carmen Mattes, Master Herbalist

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Although Maca (also called Peruvian Ginseng) was once a well-kept South American secret, today the plant has aroused the interests of baby boomers and scientists alike. Maca’s aphrodisiac-like properties have made it a highly desirable and sought after plant and studies show that Maca has earned its reputation as a "rekindler of the lost fires of passion" honestly.

Indigenous to the Andean mountain plateaus of Peru, this turnip-like tuber packs quite a punch, featuring an impressive array of phytonutrients, amino acids, vitamins and minerals. Grown at and elevation up to 14,000 feet (where no other crop will survive) Maca’s ability to endure extreme weather conditions, from scorching sun to heavy frosts is unequalled in the plant kingdom.

For centuries native Peruvians have known of Maca’s nutritive and healing powers, along with its ability to increase energy and stamina, enhance fertility and promote healthy sexual function. Wise Peruvians have used Maca extensively as both medicine and food for thousands of years.

Maca Rejuvenates the Endocrine System

The most exciting news about Maca is that it strengthens and balances the endocrine system of both sexes in the appropriate gender-specific manner. Its action focuses on the hypothalamus/pituitary axis, which in turn governs the intricate and very delicate hormonal system of the body.

Not only can the reproductive system be re-energized by Maca, but other important glands of the endocrine system also benefit from its use. Maca has a positive effect on the thyroid, parathyroid, the pancreas and the adrenal glands. Each gland in and of itself becomes balanced and stronger as it reaps the benefits of excellent glandular nutrition. With the supplemental aid of Maca, symptoms such as impotence, infertility, frigidity, PMS, and menopausal hot flashes can all be corrected in a safe, natural, and affordable way.

The human hormonal system is extremely vulnerable and easily offset. Judging from the widespread popularity of ViagraTM and Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) treatments, it is apparent that this delicate system of ours is suffering like never before. Luckily Maca acts as an excellent counterbalance in the recovery of good hormonal health for both women and men.

Stress & the Adrenal Glands

When it comes to dealing with stress effectively, proper functioning of the adrenal glands is paramount. The adrenals are among the most beleaguered glands in the endocrine system, as they must endure the brunt of our emotional health on a daily basis.
It’s critical that the adrenals remain vital and healthy as they are great providers of many hormones and as they’re heavily relied upon during menopause and times of stress. As an adaptogen, Maca tones and strengthens the adrenal glands and thus the entire body, giving us the ability to resist disease and to effectively combat stress.

A Safe & Effective Alternative to HRT

Today, many health practitioners are prescribing Maca as an alternative to Hormone Replacement Therapy. Using Maca is safe and effective way to alleviate symptoms of menopause (hot flashes, vaginal dryness, mood swings and loss of libido) as well as a good method to help prevent osteoporosis.

Dr. Hugo Malaspina, MD, a respected cardiologist from Peru, was of the earliest modern pioneers in the therapeutic use of Maca. Having successfully used Maca in his practice for over a decade, the cardiologist-turned-holistic physician says, "Maca regulates the organs of internal secretion, such as the pituitary, the adrenal glands, the pancreas, etc. I have had perhaps two hundred female patients whose perimenopausal and postmenopausal symptoms were alleviated by taking Maca."

Dr. Gabriel Cousens, MD, a practicing physician in the United States adds, "Whenever possible, I prefer to use ‘Maca Therapy’ rather than Hormone Replacement Therapy because HRT actually ages the body by diminishing the hormone-producing capability of these glands. Maca has proven to be very effective with menopausal patients in eliminating hot flashes and depression as well as in increasing energy levels."

Maca works differently on the body compared to estrogenic herbs (e.g. black cohosh) that are also used in treating symptoms of menopause. Instead of introducing weak phytoestrogens into the body, Maca regulates and balances the entire endocrine system, strengthening and toning the reproductive glands to promote a heightened sense of well-being and providing the body with higher levels of energy and vitality.

Male Menopause

Only very recently have we begun to see that men have a menopause of their own, known as ‘andropause.’ Commonly affecting men between the ages of 40-55, andropause is characterized by a decline in testosterone or the inability to use existing testosterone.

Testosterone is a very important male sex hormone that aids in defining a man by acting as a source for masculinity, virility and energy. When a man’s testosterone levels become depleted, the results can be physically and emotionally devastating. Low levels of testosterone are responsible for an array of symptoms. Below is a list of some common disturbances associated with andropause:

  • Low sex drive
  • Impotence
  • Depression
  • Irritability
  • Fatigue
  • Muscle loss
  • Fat accumulation

However, there is no need to despair! While we once thought andropause was an inevitable part of growing old, we now know this to be untrue. Today we know that we can in fact turn back the hands of time and restore men and women’s hormonal balances to healthy states that previously seemed reserved only for the young.

Garry F. Gordon, MD, founder and President of the International College of Advanced Longevity Medicine located in Chicago, IL, bases his appreciation of Maca on his own experience with it. He states: "Using this Peruvian root myself, I personally experienced a significant improvement in erectile tissue response. I call it ‘nature’s answer to Viagra.TM’ What I see in Maca is a means of normalizing steroid hormones like testosterone, progesterone, and estrogen. Therefore it has facility to forestall the hormonal changes of aging."

Maca is the natural answer for hormonal deficiencies! Like their female counterparts, andropause sufferers can benefit greatly from the superfood known as Maca.

Maca for Athletic Performance

Due to Maca’s high concentration of natural sterols, it’s an excellent supplement for body builders and athletes. Used to promote lean muscle mass, greater strength and increased endurance, Maca provides a non-toxic alternative to dangerous and illegal steroids. The head trainer of a major league U.S. baseball team reportedly ordered Maca for the entire team as part of their sports nutrition program after his own energy-enhancing experience with the plant.

Anti-Aging & Other Benefits

One of the biomarkers of aging employed by anti-aging experts is the health of the hormonal system. A healthy sex drive exudes youthfulness and is in essence an expression of our vital life force. Maca slows the decline of an aging hormonal system, thereby preserving hormones such as DHEA, progesterone, estrogen, and testosterone, which are responsible for keeping our libido intact.

Maca is also effective at treating infertility. Animal studies conducted by Dr. Gloria Chacon, a Peruvian biologist, showed multiple egg follicle maturation in females and an increase in sperm production and motility rates in males. This is excellent news for couples desperately trying to conceive.

Furthermore, this superfood has been successfully used to treat the symptoms of PMS, chronic fatigue, depression, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, osteoporosis, anemia, memory loss and a compromised immune system.

Maca is Brimming with Nutrition

One of the most appealing traits about Maca is that it is both a food and a medicine. Completely safe and highly nutritious, Maca can be given to infants and even pregnant women, as well as people with chronic medical problems.

The Maca plant is brimming with major and trace minerals, vitamins, alkaloids, sterols, and essential fatty acids. It is high in protein, calcium, magnesium, linolenic and oleic acids, vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B12, C, D, and E. In total, it contains over 60 phytonutrients and 31 trace minerals. Maca has been studied extensively for its nutritive and medicinal properties and continues to be a plant of great interest to the scientific community.

Selecting & Using Maca

When shopping for a Maca supplement, look for a brand that uses pure certified organic Maca originating from the Peruvian highlands. Make sure that only the root of the Maca plant is used, as this is where the medicinal value resides.

Choose gelatinized Maca for greater potency and optimal absorption. Gelatinization is an extrusion process that removes the starch from the root leaving a more concentrated powder that is easier to digest. Gelatinized Maca was the form used in the first human clinical study on Maca that yielded great results.

Because Peru is a third world country, look for companies who employ fair trade practices with local farmers and support traditional farming and sustainable harvesting to ensure the long-term health of Maca and its environment.

Maca is available in capsules, tablets, tinctures and powder. Suggested daily intake could be anywhere from 1,500-5,000mg daily, split into two doses. Remember, Maca is a food; less than 1,500mg daily probably won’t deliver desired results. Maca root powder has a pleasant, malty, butterscotch-like flavour, perfect for smoothies.

Carmen Mattes is a Master Herbalist who has used Maca personally and in her practice for over two years. She lives on Gabriola Island, BC with her husband and four young children. Their entire family takes Maca on a daily basis.

Article originally published in Vista Magazine, March 2003. Reprinted with permission.