Maca As Adaptogen

Also commonly called "Peruvian Ginseng," Maca is a powerful adaptogen, which by definition is a substance (food or nutritive herb), which brings the body to a heightened state of resistance to disease through physiological and emotional health.

Plants known as "adaptogens" are known to: raise the non-specific resistance to disease, be capable of normalizing functions in the body even in disease states, be non-toxic and harmless to any organ of the body, and be safe for ingestion for long periods as a nutritive for preventative purposes.

As an adaptogen, Maca can help balance, strengthen and support any area of the body under compromise due to stress. Stress, either mental or physical, affects the hypothalamus, causing the adrenal glands to increase the production of cortisol (the stress hormone). As we were not designed to function under long-term stress, continued high levels of cortisol have a detrimental effect upon our health.

Cortisol has a negative effect on numerous areas in the body including digestion, glucose and fat metabolism (causing weight gain), sleep (interferes with deep sleep known as REM sleep) and memory. Stress is known to have a negative effect on sexual function, libido, frigidity, fertility, sperm count and mobility, symptoms of menopause, andropause, PMS, etc.

When it comes to dealing with stress effectively, proper functioning of the adrenal glands is paramount. The adrenals are among the most beleaguered glands in the endocrine system, as they must endure the brunt of our emotional health on a daily basis.

It’s critical that the adrenals remain vital and healthy as they are great providers of many hormones and as they’re heavily relied upon during menopause and times of stress. As an adaptogen, Maca effectively tones and strengthens the adrenal glands and thus the entire body, giving us the ability to resist disease and to effectively combat stress.

Rebuilding exhausted adrenal glands will take time according to the degree of exhaustion of the adrenals. In most cases, noticeable increases in energy occur within a few weeks. Maca is also recommended by doctors to increase energy and vigor in the elderly.

Other adaptogenic benefits include increased energy, stamina, libido, sexual function, immune function, mental clarity and a sense of well-being.